In a heartbreaking turn of events, 21-year-old University of Wisconsin-Whitewater gymnast Kara Welsh was tragically killed in a shooting incident that occurred last Friday. Police have since identified the suspect as 23-year-old Chad T. Richards from Loves Park, Illinois, who is now facing first-degree intentional homicide charges along with other related offenses.
The Whitewater Police Department released a statement confirming Richards’ arrest and the charges against him, which have been forwarded to the Walworth County District Attorney’s Office. Richards is expected to appear in court today.
The incident took place at an off-campus residence, where authorities responded to a call about a gunshot wound. Upon arrival, they discovered Welsh had suffered multiple gunshot wounds. Richards, who was present at the scene and reportedly “known” to Welsh, was initially detained before being officially arrested.
The police investigation revealed that an altercation between Welsh and Richards preceded the shooting, leading to this tragic outcome.
Kara Welsh was a beloved member of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater gymnastics team, where she earned national recognition as a champion and two-time All-American gymnast. Her outstanding performances, particularly on the vault, left an indelible mark on the program, with Welsh holding four of the top eight scores in the team’s history.
The team released a heartfelt statement on Sunday, remembering Welsh not only for her athletic achievements but also for her supportive and motivating presence as a teammate. Her contributions to the gymnastics program were significant, helping lead the team to numerous championship victories. Welsh was also majoring in business management, showcasing her dedication to both academics and athletics.
USA Gymnastics also expressed their condolences on social media, honoring Welsh’s memory and her impact on the gymnastics community.
As the university and gymnastics community mourn the loss of this talented and beloved student-athlete, the legal proceedings against Richards will continue, bringing attention to the senseless tragedy that has shaken all those who knew Kara Welsh.
via: toofad
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